Gryphon Imports is a registered agent of premium beer, wine, spirits and other beverage alcohol in Atlantic Canada, bringing producers and sellers together in success.

Our market covers the four easternmost Canadian provinces, including On Trade and the Provincial Liquor Boards of: Nova Scotia (NSLC), New Brunswick (ANBL), Prince Edward Island (PEILCC) and Newfoundland & Labrador (NLC).


Craft Beer

Ready to Drink


Benefits of Working with Gryphon Imports:
  • Focused, Partnership-minded agency
  • Committed to your brand
  • Distribution and volume growth through insights AND relationships
  • Long term planning to maximize marketing budgets
  • Proactive portfolio management, identifying gaps and opportunities
  • Customer training – create ambassadors
  • In store and consumer tastings

We protect your brand like our own.

The Gryphon is not just a whimsical figure from mythology, but a symbolic protector of valuables.

Traditionally, the lion was considered the king of the beasts and the eagle the king of birds; therefore, the gryphon was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature.

Gryphons were known for guarding treasure and priceless possessions, like your brand.


Chris Managing Director

With 20+ years in the Beverage Alcohol Community in Canada, Chris has held progressively senior Sales, Marketing and Operations rolls at AB Inbev and General Management of the largest independent Agency in Atlantic Canada on his resume. Chris understands both buyers and sellers and the complicated Liquor Board landscape.

Kimberley Operations Manager

With over 20 years of Financial management in International business, Kimberley keeps the daily operations running through her attention to detail and her focus on profitable growth for our partners.
